Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

configure DNS server and Web server in Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Configure DNS server of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

1. Configure the file /etc/named.conf

Open the file "vi /etc/named.conf ", and add the script bellow.

2. Create File In:

2.1 Create file in the “/var/named/chroot/var/named/myweb.db”.

2.2 Create in the “/var/named/chroot/var/named/1.168.192.db”.

3. Link the file which already made by:

-ln -s /var/named/chroot/var/named/myweb.db /var/named/

-ln -s /var/named/chroot/var/named/1.168.192.db /var/named/

4. Configuring resolv.conf

Next, we must inform resolver about existence of DNS server with IP Edit file /etc/resolv.conf and include the command like this:

; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script

search myweb.net.id


File /etc/resolv.conf consist list of IP address server DNS. Resolve computer client will read this file.

5. Restart the service by "service named restart"

6. Testing Configure the DNS

Configure web server of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The main point, DNS must run well about myweb.com. After that should configure the directive file located in /etc/httpd/conf/ httpd.conf.

· Server name

· Document Root

Note: if using joomla or CMS, file DocumentRoot must be added.

2. Run the httpd service using the command.

service httpd restart

3. Open web browser like Mozilla firefox and enter www.myweb.net.id in URL.

Senin, 02 November 2009

Open Solaris Operating System (installation OS, bootloader, installation packets, and x window)


  • Before installation in the beginning, it helps us
    know in advance the minimum requirements for open solaris installation:

    Minumum requirement :

    Intel pentium II of CPU

    64 MB RAM (128 MB RAM recommended)

    1 GB HDD (2 GB HDD recommended)

    Supported CD ROM for installation

  • Insert the CD of OpenSolaris 2008.11 into CD / DVD room. Select the top option to install OpenSolaris in a desktop mode and press "Enter" to speed up booting.

  • In the keyboard layout selection, press "Enter" to select the default.

  • On the choice of desktop language press "Enter" to select the default language.

  • Wait a few minutes until the OpenSolaris desktop display appears as shown below.

  • Click the Install OpenSolaris available on the desktop, so the new window appears. Click "Next".

  • Determine the disk partition for install OpenSolaris, and then click "Next" and Set Time Zone, Date and Time. After that click "Next".

  • After selecting the language option, for example english, and then click "Next".

  • Specify username and password for a normal user, root password, and computer name.

  • Final review before the install process. If there is something wrong, you can press Back to rearrange, if it is believed correct, click Install and wait a few minutes up to 100%.

  • The installation has been completed and click Reboot to restart.

  • Initial display when booting.

  • Enter the username that was made at the beginning of the installation. Suppose it username: andry and enter the password of the user andry.

  • OpenSolaris desktop after login.


  • · List active GRUB menu
  • · To entry autoboot setting a 5-second timeout
  • · The default setting for Solaris operating system load, entry number = 1
  • · Then setting up again to load the default Solaris operating system, entry number = 0


  • · Download the packets
  • · When we will do the installation software package with ekstension Gz or. Bzip2, then we can use the command gunzip or bunzip2 to uncompress the packages.

# bunzip2 CSKmemcached_1.3.1_i386.pkg.bz2

# gunzip gcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local.gz

  • · after the two above packages we've uncompress, then for the installation do the following:

· # pkgadd –d gcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local Atau

· # pkgadd –d CSKmemcached_1.3.1_i386.pkg



Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

the first